Applying + Enrolling
Digitizing Policy

Shared Values/Conflicting Logics: Working Around E-Government Systems

Shared Values/Conflicting Logics: Working Around E-Government Systems
CHI '14: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, University of California, Irvine, and Indiana University
Amy Voida, Lynn Dombrowski, Gillian R. Hayes, Melissa Mazmanian
Shared Values/Conflicting Logics: Working Around E-Government Systems
Source Sector(s)
Benefits Program
SNAP: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Level of Government
No items found.
Academic Article

This paper describes results from fieldwork conducted at a social services site where the workers evaluate citizens' applications for food and medical assistance submitted via an e-government system. These results suggest value tensions that result - not from different stakeholders with different values - but from differences among how stakeholders enact the same shared value in practice.