
Outreach + Awareness

Maximizing Impact through Clear Communication

Benefits administrators and delivery organizations can help reach more people with economic and wellbeing supports by finding and connecting with residents who are eligible but unenrolled. Also, by ensuring that the requirements for obtaining benefits are clear, understandable, and actionable.

Accessible benefits start with actionable information.

Navigating health and human services can be challenging at every step. Sometimes, residents are unaware that programs even exist, much less that they are eligible for them. Other times, convoluted instructions about program requirements prevent applicants from understanding what they need to do to secure and maintain benefits. In both cases, applicants lose out on crucial supportive services.

Interpreting benefits eligibility and processes shouldn’t be so hard, and it’s up to implementers to ease the burden on residents. This means connecting applicants to programs and communicating about their benefits using accessible and actionable content. The content should also make requirements, procedures, and deadlines clear and easy to understand and target specific populations and needs.

Here, explore guidance on creating and revising content as well as how to reach the eligible but unenrolled. You’ll also find case studies that demonstrate how innovators in the field have already improved benefits outreach and communication.

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Trauma-Informed Homelessness Service Interactions and Strategy

When accessing the Office of Homelessness (OHS) prevention, diversion, and intake service, Philadelphians must go through many opaque steps and processes—often while in crisis or experiencing a traumatic event. Navigating confusing processes and paperwork can exacerbate feelings of distress or trauma. When delivering the service, staff also follow specific processes, offer information, and coordinate support while taking in difficult stories and daily stressors. These lived realities require adopting a trauma-informed approach to service delivery.

Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation at Georgetown University
Case Study

Louisiana: Expanding a Successful Texting Pilot During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic placed incredible pressure on public assistance programs at a time when states like Louisiana were already trying to conduct more effective outreach to benefits applicants and recipients. These efforts were complicated by a surge in applications and the need to close government offices.

Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation at Georgetown University
Case Study

City of San José: Machine Learning for Translation

The majority of San José residents speak languages other than English, particularly Spanish and Vietnamese. The City of San José sought to expand access to their 311 service to be more responsive to the needs of these residents.

Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation at Georgetown University
Case Study

New York City Benefits and Programs: Designing, Translating and Scaling Accessible Content

New York City's platform for accessing and learning about benefit programs, ACCESS NYC, increasingly struggled to adapt to new use cases, technological innovation, and more efficient methods of website maintenance and content sharing. These challenges impeded NYC’s ability to deliver up-to-date accessible benefits information and eligibility screening to residents when they needed it.

Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation at Georgetown University
Case Study

Driving Medicaid Renewals via the Providers App

Medicaid unwinding is one of the most daunting challenges facing state agencies and their customers. Propel, the company that builds the Providers app, recognized the potential for devastating repercussions for the more than 5 million low-income households it serves nationwide — over 80% of which are covered by Medicaid. 

Case Study
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