
Automation + AI

How to responsibly, ethically, and equitably use technology, including artificial intelligence (AI), to automate certain processes is an increasingly important question for governments at every level, including benefits agencies.

Sifting through complexity with a focus on equity and access.

Properly designed and implemented, automated solutions can help ease case worker loads and speed up the benefits delivery process. However, automated approaches can also create potential harms for beneficiaries, create new biases in systems, and raise issues around transparency and accountability.

It can be difficult to parse through the different terms used to describe the technology behind automated processes and systems, from artificial intelligence, to robotic process automation or algorithm-driven decision-making, and automated decision-making systems. It can also be challenging to sort through information about what a given technology can and cannot do today. Benefits practitioners need clear information to evaluate new technologies, including AI and other approaches to automation. This page contains resources to illuminate the landscape of automated technology to help benefits practitioners understand and assess automated systems and tools.

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